"Daisy" is a sweet 3 year old 29" black pinto miniature mare with excellent conformation and a pretty little head. She is breeding & show quality. She is brave and smart and isn't phased by anything…
"Daisy" is a sweet 3 year old 29" black pinto miniature mare with excellent conformation and a pretty little head. She is breeding & show quality. She is brave and smart and isn't phased by anything…
WWW.THERAPYMINIATURES.COM or Please call or text us at **941-548-MINI** for info on available horses and pricing. .....................................................................................…
www.therapyminiatures.com or Please call or text us at **941-548-MINI** for info on available horses and pricing.
We have a TOP Selection of 25-29" tall Therapy Trained Miniature Horses for Kids! …
WWW.THERAPYMINIATURES.COM or Please call or text us at **941-548-MINI** for info on available horses and pricing. .....................................................................................…
WWW.ALLSTARFARM.COM or Feel free to call or text us at **941-548-MINI** for info on available horses and pricing.
Here are All Star Farm, we have been training trick miniature horses for over 24…